Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Solar Conduit: Factors To Consider While Choosing The Best

Solar conduit is plastic covering, used for running electrical wires through them, mostly outside a home or a commercial setup. These tubes can be dropped through attic and then run along the house. Many people apply pant, similar to walls so that they cannot be seen. 

Many materials are used in making of conduits. It is important for the owner to choose the correct material for wire protection. The right material makes a significant impact on the PV system performance and on the safety of people and the property. 

Conduits are generally divided into two categories, rigid and flexible; each of it is further divided into metallic and non-metallic. The non-metallic products are made of plastics that are similar to steel, with respect to performance, but lighter in weight. The metallic conduit can be of galvanized steel, stainless steel, brass, aluminium or nickel-plated brass. Few models are a combination of both metallic and non-metallic that provide fire resistance and anti-static feature. 

Rigid conduit, commonly known as pipes or tubes, is used in areas where extra protection is needed for wires. For straight lines, the rigid version is used, while the flexible ones are for areas where a bend is required and that experiences vibrations. 

When the system is designed, the engineer considers various factors to find the conduit size. The few important factors include voltage drops, circuit type, conductor designation, ambient temperature during day and night. 

A good quality conduit helps in increasing the life of wires and the system too. An experienced professional would help the owner to make the correct decisions. 

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